Grit: Passion & Perseverance: Book Application
Why do some people overcome difficult circumstances and excel while others don't? What makes some people successful? In this class, you will discover what psychologist Angela Duckworth's research has learned about high achievers in her book Grit: The power of passion and perseverance. Her book provides a research-based explanation of her Grit theory, how to develop grit internally and externally and how passion and perseverance relate to social emotional learning (SEL). Teachers, parents, coaches, and others are provided with practical strategies to foster grit for students, children, adults, and for themselves.
NOTE: Required book must be acquired separately.
This course is applicable towards the Social Emotional Learning Certificate.
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Dr. Jim Ave
My life purpose is to glorify and honor Jesus Christ in all that I do. This life purpose transfers to my teaching. I want students to learn and apply information from my classes to their professional and personal experiences. God has gifted me with the abilities to take care of athletes and other physically active individuals as a Certified Athletic Trainer. I've also been gifted with the ability to develop and create new academic program and classes. I've used these talents to develop courses for Fresno Pacific University.