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Dr. Jim Ave

Subject Expertise: Athletic Training, Physical Education, Curriculum Development
Education: PhD in Human Performance - Teaching and Administration from the University of Southern Mississippi; MA in Education - Curriculum and Instruction from Cal State, Bakersfield; BS in Athletic Training from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Hometown: Riverside, CA, but lives in Fresno, CA today
Home Church: Clovis Evangelical Free Church, Clovis, CA

My life purpose is to glorify and honor Jesus Christ in all that I do. This life purpose transfers to my teaching. I want students to learn and apply information from my classes to their professional and personal experiences. God has gifted me with the abilities to take care of athletes and other physically active individuals as a Certified Athletic Trainer. I've also been gifted with the ability to develop and create new academic program and classes. I've used these talents to develop courses for Fresno Pacific University. 

Professional Experience: Fresno Pacific University since 1998. Head athletic trainer from 1998-2005. Kinesiology program director since 2005

Scholarly Interests: Athletic Training Professional Socialization, technology and effective teaching

Honors and Awards: Magna Cum Lauda from University of Nevada, Las Vegas

Recommended Reading: The Bible, any CS Lewis, Ted Dekker, and Star Wars books 

Favorite Bible Verse: Philippians 1:21 ~ "For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain." 

Favorite Music: Christian Rock...Chris Tomlin, Third Day, Salvador, & many others

Favorite Activities: Spend time with family

Family Info: Married to Ashley since 1999

What Matters: How I live my life for Christ and how I love my neighbor as my self.

Pet Peeves: The word "common sense." If everyone actually did things that were "common sense", then we would not have so many issues. But, most people ("common") do not do things that make sense. So this term is oxymoronic.

What I Like About FPU: Small classes with faculty and staff that loves Jesus and students