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Whole Student Education for Social Emotional Learning

3 Credits
3 Credits

What is Educating The Whole Student Course for Teachers?

Educators- teachers, administrators, counselors and coaches (K-12) -are often feeling pushed to their personal and professional limits as they strive to meet the complex demands of their roles. This course is taught by a former school counselor and current consultant to teachers, administrators, and parents as a licensed therapist. The course provides practical tools to explore ways to best meet the needs of individual students with a comprehensive or holistic approach, and aids educators in the often overwhelming task of discerning how to understand and assist their students and larger school communities. A whole student approach, according to ASDA," ensures that each student is healthy, safe, engaged, supported and challenged, and sets the standard for comprehensive, sustainable school improvement and provides for long term student success." This whole student approach is a companion to social-emotional learning (SEL), which is the focus of many educational approaches today. The course is designed to meet the needs of those who are already fully engaged in their professional roles, and assignments are integrated into the work that busy professional educators are already committed to, adding to their expertise in supportive and practical ways.

What Will You Learn in This PD course?

In this professional development course, you'll learn how to develop an understanding of the educational, behavioral and social needs of students (K-12). You'' be able to strengthen your own skills and tools as professionals and further develop practical strategies and responses in addressing the needs of diverse students & school communities.

NOTE: Required book must be acquired separately.

Professional Development Certificate

This course is applicable towards the Social Emotional Learning Certificate.

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Connie Enns-Rempel

Educators are among the most important and influential members of our society. Along with families and religious communities, our teachers, administrators, coaches and counselors have a critical impact on the shaping of our children and youth. In my years as a school counselor, I have been deeply impressed that as teachers work to meet the academic and educational needs of their students, they also feel increasing demands to meet students’ social, cultural, emotional and behavioral needs as well. My courses are designed to assist educators in addressing these challenging concerns by providing both helpful and relevant theoretical information as well as very practical, hands-on resources.