Word: The Ultimate Writing Tool
Word processing has come a long way since the early days of the line editor and now presents teachers, students, and administrators with a powerful tool. Word has become a multimedia, internet, and non-linear tool for the classroom and has the potential to greatly increase student control over their own learning resulting in higher achievement and motivation. The focus of this course is how Word can be used to impact student empowerment and thus improve achievement. The hands-on exercises are tied to curriculum and move through the basics (tabs, margins, formatting) to intermediate (columns, writing tools, graphics) and onto advanced features (desktop publishing, web page publishing, hyperlinks, merging data) - all focused-on student achievement.
Students will learn how to navigate and configure the Microsoft Word screen, format documents and paragraphs, draw and format basic shapes, and use format painter. Modules also include using and configuring styles, formatting headers and footers, using proofing tools, mail merge, and utilizing Word to create complex templates and incorporate graphic objects.
This course is applicable towards the Technology Skills for Educators Certificate.
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