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California: Reflecting America

3 Credits
3 Credits

This course is designed primarily to introduce teachers to Dr. J.S. Holliday's study of past and present relationships which led him to conclude that California's present-day image as a "risk-taking society" is the result of its formative years, especially those years during the Gold Rush and the 1860s through the 1880s. Dr. Holliday's award-winning book, Rush for Riches: Gold Fever and the Making of California, will be supplemented by other materials dealing with the teaching of California's Gold Rush Period, State Standards, and Technology Integration. A significant portion of the course will focus on teaching history using primary sources.

NOTE: Required book must be acquired separately.

This course is applicable towards the California History Certificate.

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Jeromy Winter

I am passionate about teaching! I have a solid foundation in teaching language arts and have great enthusiasm for teaching California history. My experience includes teaching at the elementary school level for 15 years and teaching adults through the continuing education program for 6 years. I have continued my education throughout my career and have a strong commitment to helping other teachers advance in their careers. My California history courses offer an interesting way to learn about the history of the great state of California. I believe in teaching teachers techniques that will interest and engage their students. My courses give teachers experiences they can implement in their own classrooms and are aligned to standards for teaching. Teachers of all grade levels will be able to match my courses with the standards they teach.