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Peer Mediation and Conflict Resolution

2 Credits
2 Credits

What is Peer Mediation and Conflict Resolution?

Have you ever wondered the best way to resolve conflict in your classroom? This course is designed for teachers, administrators and other educational professionals from Pre-K through 14. Learn best practices and methods currently being used in conflict resolution in the classroom. Not only will you build skills to reach students, you will become a go-to for other teachers, staff and school community stakeholders.

What Will You Learn?

The course provides basic conflict resolution and peer mediation instruction, skill development, program design and community advocacy training based on restorative justice in the classroom. This course addresses both whole class trainings as well as mediation training sessions and can be adapted to meet the needs for a range of mediation programs, and conflict resolution and relationship skills development programs in the classroom and school wide. Fresno Pacific University instructors guide you through EDUC-918 and are ready to help you integrate new skills into your classroom.

Course Materials

A key part of this 2-unit PD course is Making Things Right, a book by Ron and Roxanne Claassen who are pioneers in the fields of conflict resolution, peer mediation, restorative justice and restorative discipline. Components of Making Things Right include:

  • Peer mediation training and an activity manual that teaches conflict resolution and mediation skills
  • Handouts and PowerPoint masters, as well as student folder items, that can be distributed to support your schools’ peer mediation program
  • Lessons that can be utilized to teach conflict resolution skills and to enhance peer relationships Come away from this course with an actual plan for implementing a Making Things Right-based peer mediation program for your school!

Professional Development Certificate

This course is applicable towards the Restorative Strategies for the Classroom Certificate.

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Connie Enns-Rempel

Educators are among the most important and influential members of our society. Along with families and religious communities, our teachers, administrators, coaches and counselors have a critical impact on the shaping of our children and youth. In my years as a school counselor, I have been deeply impressed that as teachers work to meet the academic and educational needs of their students, they also feel increasing demands to meet students’ social, cultural, emotional and behavioral needs as well. My courses are designed to assist educators in addressing these challenging concerns by providing both helpful and relevant theoretical information as well as very practical, hands-on resources.