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Benefits of Creating a Classroom Website

A mother and daughter sit on a grey couch and review a classroom website on their laptop.One of the biggest benefits of technology is asynchronous communication. Texting, email and message boards provide the best-known examples: the sender can take the time to craft a message that best communicates all relevant information, and the receiver can read and absorb the information when they have a free moment.

Additionally—and conveniently—both the sender and receiver can access the technology from wherever they are on a multitude of devices.

The benefits of asynchronous communication provide a strong rationale for creating a classroom website. While it won’t address all the challenges teachers face in communicating with parents and students, it eliminates many of the niggling issues that make such communication much harder.

Fresno Pacific University offers a class for teachers that focuses on this topic, called Create a Classroom Website. The class allows teachers to learn how to create a website for free and what to put on it while also earning needed professional development credits.

Completing the class counts toward earning a valuable Online Teaching Certificate or a Classroom Technology Integration Certificate.

The Benefits of Having a Classroom Website

Deciding to create a classroom website pays returns for years in saving teachers time and duplication of effort. Having a classroom website also can enhance the overall reputation of a school and demonstrates a commitment to using the latest innovative technology.

Fortunately, many platforms now offer teachers the tools they need to create a classroom website. The direct benefits for teachers include the following.

Ease of Communication

Once a website is built, teachers can direct students to check the website for valuable information related to the class. This also helps teachers better communicate with parents. Information parents and students can access on a classroom website include grades, progress reports and reminders of coursework due dates. Teachers also can quickly upload assignments. This puts all the information for a class at the disposal of students and their parents and requires teachers to share the information just once.

Building a Stronger Community

The ease of communication also extends to the parents and students sharing ideas, projects and plans on website forums. Teachers can also set up forums for students, allowing them to communicate outside the classroom on team projects.  Both can encourage more engagement by parents and students, which is good for building a stronger student support system.

Posting Updates

With a website, you no longer have to post things on a physical bulletin board and hope all the students see it. Teachers can post important updates on classroom websites and know that all students will have access to it immediately. This also is a major benefit for school websites. Updates can include topics such as:

  • School delays or closures
  • The dates for holidays
  • Notice of upcoming school spirit days
  • Upcoming open house dates
  • Fundraiser information

Feedback From Students, Parents

Some classroom websites offer students and parents a chance to privately message teachers about areas where students might be struggling and any challenges with individual lessons or other class-related questions. At the very least, teachers have a central location where they post their email addresses and phone numbers, so both students and parents know how to contact them.

The FPU Classroom Website Course

Educators who complete FPU’s Create a Classroom Website course learn how to build a website with free online tools and the rationale and pedagogy for creating a classroom website. Teachers also learn how to create a website that uses a specific site required by the school, if applicable.

The goal is for teachers to learn how to use tools that allow them to create websites, calendars, blogs, instructional videos, graphics and downloadable documents. By the end of the course, teachers will have the ability to create a website that will allow them to communicate important information and interact with students and parents.

A classroom website offers a smart way for teachers to integrate technology into the classroom. By taking a course on the topic, educators can quickly develop the skills they need to build a website while also enjoying the benefit of earning professional development credits. Learn more about the importance that digital innovation has brought to the classroom.