Canva for Education
With Canva for Education, teachers can collaborate with students and colleagues in creating visually appealing presentations for posters, infographics, videos, book reports, lesson plans, worksheets, and more. Canva’s flexibility and ease of use, combined with over 60,000 ready-to-use templates, make it the go-to web-based tool for visual design for students and educators.
Learn to get the most out of Canva for Education with Fresno Pacific University’s Canva for Education Course. Engage your students and help bring learning to life with Canva for Education!
What Is Canva for Education?
Canva for Education is the world’s largest free online platform enabling students and teachers to create compelling and engaging designs. K-12 students and teachers qualify for a free Canva Pro account without limitations.
Canva is 100% web-based, requiring only an internet connection to use. It works on any device, including Chromebooks, iPads, PCs, Macs and smartphones. Canva has millions of photos, templates, videos, and sound effects.
Collaboration tools are built into Canva for Education and work with most popular Learning Management Systems, including Canvas, Schoology, and Google Classroom. Canva projects are exportable as links, websites, PDFs, MP4s, and more.
Join the thousands of classroom teachers already using Canva to instruct with visually interactive and fun content, both in the classroom and online.
What You Will Learn
In the Canva for Education course, students will:
- Discuss and implement strategies for incorporating Canva into the classroom.
- Discover the vast array of Canva online resources for expanding knowledge and applications for Canva.
- Stay connected to Canva educators with training and other social media offerings.
- Complete creative and engaging educational lessons plan to match academic goals.
- Design collaborative projects that increase student engagement.
- Create a student submission and feedback loop through a Learning Management System such as Canvas or Google Classroom.
- Improve creative and critical thinking skills.
- Establish an understanding of the many ways Canva protects student identity and privacy.
The course is organized into six learning modules in addition to welcome and course wrap-up modules:
- Getting Started with Canva
- Exploring Canva tools
- Graphics-Part II
- Integrating Canva into Your Teaching Day
- Advanced Canva Topics
- Independent Project
Who Should Enroll in the Canva for Education Course?
This course is for educators motivated to enhance their modern classrooms and engage their students in a rich, collaborative visually-based learning environment.
What Educators Who Took the Canva for Education Course Are Saying
“This course thoroughly improved my knowledge of Canva! I learned various techniques that I will be able to incorporate into my classroom daily.”
– Educator, Virginia
“Before I started this course, I had only heard of Canva and seen it at the end of different newsletters for my school. I now feel competent creating a wide range of products for myself, my family, school and to use in the classroom.”
– Armed Forces AP
This course is applicable towards the Technology Skills for Educators Certificate.
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