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Technology-Infused Standards

3 Credits
3 Credits

Learn how to prepare your students to be college and career ready by using the technology-infused Common Core State Standards. CCSS Tech for Success will take you beyond the standards to a place where imagination, creativity, and the joy of teaching and learning can return. This class is so much more than just teaching the technology and only preparing them for testing. Whether you teach kindergarteners or seniors, this course will enable you to visualize successful young adults that benefitted from the life skills you taught them early on. CCSS Technology for Success is appropriate for all grade levels as each grade level contributes to the ultimate success of your students. CCSS Tech for Success will give you new tools to meet the challenge of preparing our students for a bright future.

This course is applicable towards the Classroom Technology Integration Certificate.

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Linda Jacobsen

I feel so blessed to have had a job that I totally loved to do each and every day. I thoroughly enjoyed teaching elementary aged students for the past 38 years. I liked not only working with the children, but their families as well. I have made many lifelong connections with many of them. As a teacher, it is such a rewarding feeling to see my students “light come on” and see them understand the objective of the lesson. I was also very fond of working with other teachers and administrators and helping them understand and learn about technology. I always liked integrating technology into my lessons and helping others do the same. This really makes lessons come to life. All my FPU courses are very helpful for teachers to learn how to integrate technology into their classroom lessons. Working with my FPU students is great because they really want to learn and use what they have learned to make their classroom lessons so much better and more meaningful for their students.