Project-Based Learning Using Technology
Project-Based Learning Using Technology (PBL) is designed to train educators to succeed in using PBL infused with technology with their students. PBL is a teaching method in which your students gain knowledge and skills by working for an extended period to investigate and respond to authentic, engaging, and complex questions, problems, or challenges.
This course has the added dimension of technology, where your students will learn to conduct online research and create multimedia slideshows. The process includes writing scripts and presenting their findings. The curriculum addresses the vital elements that make PBL a successful method of instruction. You will learn how to write scenarios, use rubrics, and create lessons through tutorials, research, and assignments. Using the process of scaffolded instruction, your students will build their skill level to take on the challenges that are part of PBL. You will learn about setting up a filing system, ways to share files, streamlining computer usage, and creating custom search engines. This course is recommended for all grade levels and supports academic standards. Access to students is optional. Like all our courses, we take great pride in helping and addressing our student’s needs.
This course is applicable towards the Classroom Technology Integration Certificate.
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