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The American Presidency

3 Credits
3 Credits

Explore the development of the American Presidency from its Constitutional beginnings in 1787 through the development of political parties, primary elections and modern media-centered campaigning. Discover who the key individuals were and their strengths, weaknesses and contributions to the office that have helped make the presidency the most powerful political position in the world. The course is intended to provide a fuller understanding of the development and importance of the American Presidency, an appreciation for the human fallibility of those who have held the office, a greater awareness of the importance of good leadership in critical historical events, the importance to democracy of a peaceful transition of power, the growing expectation from the public of services and safety nets from our national government, and the importance of the presidency in setting and implementing American foreign policy, including military engagements.

NOTE: Required book must be purchased separately.

This course is applicable towards the United States History Certificate.

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Dr. Allen Carden

As both a teacher of history at the college and university level for over four decades, and a researcher and writer of history, my love for studying the past and sharing my insights has only increased with time. A great history class in my junior year of high school grabbed my interest and helped establish a trajectory that has been so much more than a job; it has been an adventure, a passion, and I would even say a ministry in which the search for truth and exposure of historical error has fascinated me. I love taking complex historical events and persons and trying to make them understandable and relevant to my students. It is my privilege to be not only an instructor of continuing education courses for Fresno Pacific University, but also to be a full-time professor of history at this fine institution. One of the joys of my professional life life has been developing 17 courses for FPU's continuing education offerings, primarily in history but also in education and cross-cultural studies. Enriching the fund of knowledge for teachers through these courses has been very satisfying.