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Desmos in the Math Classroom

2 Credits
2 Credits

In the digital age, web-based resources and tools for teaching in your classroom often come and go. It is challenging to keep up with new developments, and even more so to know which ones will truly make an impact in your students' learning. This course explores Desmos, a free-to-use, dynamic platform with a variety of features to enhance mathematics classroom instruction, student engagement, and meaningful collaboration between students. In this course, students will explore the free-to-use offerings of Desmos, master the skills necessary to leverage the platform, and use the platform to create and adapt lessons in their curriculum for immediate use in the classroom.

This course will explore the Desmos graphing calculator, pre-made activities, the teacher dashboard tool, and how to create and edit your own activities with Desmos Activity Builder. Beginners trying Desmos for the first time as well as experienced users will benefit from this course. There is something for everyone. This course can be completed with or without access to current students. It does not matter what level of math you teach. However, certain functions of Desmos definitely lend themselves to middle grades and high school math, but Desmos has a wide variety of resources for elementary math as well. Modules and activities are aligned to the Common Core Standards for Mathematics, and the Common Core Standards for Mathematical Practice.

This course is applicable towards the Mathematics Teaching Certificate and Classroom Technology Integration Certificate.

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Matthew Dummeldinger

Students are more than just names on a roster, and they will not be exclusively looking for a career in my content area. In classrooms around the world are the future engineers, musicians, doctors, writers, historians, and most importantly, citizens. My role as an educator is to not only instruct in the most effective manner for my content area, but also to model and reinforce skills that transcend professions like questioning strategies, critical thinking skills, and effective communication. As a classroom teacher myself, I see the diverse needs and challenges of students, and I'm constantly searching for better ways to best serve my students. My interest in leading professional development is to share these practices that have been so effective in helping my students learn.