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Expanding Content Literacy

3 Credits
3 Credits
Instructor: Dr. Bonnie Walker
Currently Unavailable

Remember The Three R’s— Reading, 'Riting' and 'Rithmetic'? The enduring paradigm for generations of school children. These basic skills -- these building blocks, if you would -- are timeless, treasured skills. This course focuses on the ‘Reading and wRiting’ – the Literacy component to the three R’s.

What is literacy exactly? Once upon a time, the definition was the ability to read and to write. But, today, it is so much more ... it’s being able to make sense of what you read and being able to engage in advanced reading (such as those found in content-area reading), writing, speaking, and listening. Notice, ‘listening’ is last, not because of importance, but to make a point: Students listen plenty in school, but are the other three communication skills equally significant?

This course will equip teachers with the background knowledge and tools to lay a solid foundation for PK-8th grade students, developing in them the skills they need to be successful with informational/content-area text. By investigating and utilizing research-based and classroom proven strategies, course-learners will have the opportunity to design activities and lessons that include creating the framework for reading, keying into vocabulary, setting the framework for writing, developing comprehension, and researching writing that promotes content literacy in the classroom and providing instruction that braids literacy processes with the curriculum.

NOTE: Required books must be purchased separately.

This course is applicable towards the English Language Arts Teaching Certificate.

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Dr. Bonnie Walker

I love to teach. I can’t say it any plainer than that. Teaching makes me feel incredibly alive. I am thrilled to watch a student grow to achieve his or her potential and I love to help other educators make this happen too. My courses are designed around proven research-based practices and strategies, and as a life-long learner I am constantly seeking new ways to reach and inspire my fellow educators. The online environment provides an opportunity for community with interaction between participants and me. I enthusiastically make myself available to everyone, sharing my experiences, helping with technology, and more. I look forward to traveling with you on this journey of education. Come and learn with me!