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Supporting Children of Divorce and Stepfamilies

3 Credits
3 Credits

This course is designed for K-12 teachers, administrators, counselors, and other educational professionals who seek to enhance their skills in meeting the needs of students who are experiencing family changes through divorce and remarriage. Educators often play a critical role in providing structure, safety, and compassion for a student whose home life has been disrupted. This course provides participants with practical information on divorce and stepfamilies, builds awareness of specific developmental challenges students of different ages face, and provides strategies for communicating effectively with students and their parents from separate households.

NOTE: Required books must be acquired separately.

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Dr. Rich Kriegbaum

I studied and performed piano from third grade through college and violin for six years. He has performed in and conducted choral music ensembles and congregational singing from high school to the present. As university president he worked closely with music faculty and student performing ensembles. As president of Fresno Pacific University, I helped lead the formal development of the professional development program, including the appointment of its first full-time director, its integration with the academic and financial systems of the University, and its grounding in Christian faith-based values and educational philosophy. Later I was for several years the instructor of a professional development course in education related technology. And I have been a participant in the annual meeting of the professional development faculty.