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Dr. Rich Kriegbaum

Subject Expertise: Leadership, Higher Education, Music
Education: PhD in Higher Education from State University of New York; MA in Spanish from Ball State University; BA in languages from Wheaton College
Hometown: Grew-up in Iowa, Indiana, and Illinois, but now lives in Kingsburg, CA
Home Church: Faith Community Congregation of Butler Church, Fresno, CA

I studied and performed piano from third grade through college and violin for six years. He has performed in and conducted choral music ensembles and congregational singing from high school to the present. As university president he worked closely with music faculty and student performing ensembles. As president of Fresno Pacific University, I helped lead the formal development of the professional development program, including the appointment of its first full-time director, its integration with the academic and financial systems of the University, and its grounding in Christian faith-based values and educational philosophy. Later I was for several years the instructor of a professional development course in education related technology. And I have been a participant in the annual meeting of the professional development faculty.

Professional Experience: Taught and coached in a private Christian school, a public high school, and three Christian colleges. Cabinet level administrator at two colleges; consultant or presenter for more than 170 educational and nonprofit organizations; board member of multiple organizations including for-profit, healthcare, publishing, and professional associations. President of Fresno Pacific University twice for total of 15 years.

Personal Experience: Traveled in US, Mexico, Europe, South America, and Sudan. Designed and was general contractor and builder of a home my family lived in.

Scholarly Interests: The present relevance of the Kingdom of God; social, political, and organizational systems and effectiveness; the interdependence of effective followership and leadership; organizational planning, execution, and evaluation to achieve desired conditions

Publications: Many articles and two books: Leadership Prayers and Heads & Tails: Following and Leading in Kingdom Formed Organization

Recommended Reading: The Bible; CS Lewis; Paul Tournier; N.T. Wright; David French; Christianity Today.

Favorite Bible Verse: Luke 12:31 ~ "Make the Kingdom of God your primary concern."

Favorite Music: Bach, Handel, Mozart, and Tchaikovsky

Favorite Activities: Reading, playing piano, singing, church, family, anything with Peggi

Family Info: Married with two (living) children (one daughter is in heaven), seven grandchildren, and seven great-grandchildren

What Matters: Christ-like living in the Kingdom of God, truth, loving relationships, personal integrity, health (spiritual, physical, emotional)

Pet Peeves: Bad grammar, ugly music, tail-gating, and misplacing my phone

What I Like About FPU: Shared commitment to success of every person and every organization; beautiful music; genuine faith, hope, and love; confident humility