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Enhancing Executive Function

3 Credits
3 Credits
Teachers and administrators will learn the types of executive skills that are essential for student learning, how to recognize strengths and weaknesses with students and how to practically improve students' executive skills in order to better access curriculum. This course will help administrators, counselors, and teachers in the Student Study Team (SST) process by providing specific strategies for intervention if executive skills are the reason a student is struggling as well as provide supports to parents to help their children develop skills to improve their learning.

NOTE: Required book must be acquired separately.

This course is applicable towards the Curriculum Design and Assessment Certificate.

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Korrie Gallardo

I started my career as a teacher at middle school and then a high school charter school. I was then an instructional coach at the elementary level. In the coaching position, I loved the opportunity to receive on-going professional learning with the responsibility to share it with others. I then became a middle school Guidance and Learning Advisor where I was able to continue in a role of professional development as well as work directly with students. Currently, I am a high school counselor. I am involved in academics mostly through the role of coordinating student study team and 504 meetings. The passion for the development of this course came from my role as a counselor and as a mother of a student who has recently been identified as having Executive Function deficits that are impacting learning and I wanted to help provide support for the families, teachers, and students I serve as well as my own.