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Differentiate With Technology

3 Credits
3 Credits

This course provides an advanced look at the theory, design, and implementation of differentiated curriculum. Strategies and tools for responsive teaching are researched, used, and reflected upon. Technology is used as a major vehicle to differentiate content, process and product. Candidates will interact with district student information systems, research information literacy and Web 2.0 tools, utilize graphic organizer software, and presentation products. They will create and design a differentiated mini-unit, enhanced by technology and an interactive webquest or website. Projects are field-based, inquiry-oriented and require significant reflection on the effectiveness of both the process and product.

NOTE: Required book must be acquired separately.

This course is applicable towards the Curriculum Design and Assessment Certificate.

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Dr. Jeanne Janzen

I serve at Fresno Pacific University where I am the Program Director for our master's in Curriculum & Instruction. My doctorate is in Instructional Technology, Ed.D. and scholarly interests include: differentiation for student success, using technology to enhance the teaching and learning experience, the neuroscience of learning, and diffusion of innovation/change theory. Teaching at Fresno Pacific provides the unique opportunity to not only teach content, but to integrate faith with my discipline. Conversations with students can include sharing who Christ is in my life and why I view teaching as a calling... a vocation that can make a difference in the lives of students.