Apologetics for the 21st Century
As citizens of the 21st Century, we are living in an age that is heavily influenced by a worldview that denies the reality of objective truth. The idea that the Bible represents absolute truths or holds any authority seems like a strange concept to many people. Many Christians do not feel prepared to interact with the questions contemporary people bring up in conversation. Often believers don't interact because they themselves have only a spotty understanding of the biblical basis for Christian faith. This course will aim at equipping you to respond effectively to people in our skeptical and pluralistic culture, whether on a personal level, in a classroom or in a work venue. I hope you will also be encouraged to deepen your own faith by the large body of evidence, and the reasonable and biblically based explanations that undergird Christian faith.
NOTE: Required book must be acquired separately.
NOTE: Required book must be acquired separately.
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Dr. Michael Bogart
Michael Bogart has spent the past forty years as a pastor, missionary and adjunct college teacher. Teaching the Bible, Apologetics and other related subjects are part of his core calling. He has been part of the adjunct faculty at institutions as diverse as Fresno Pacific University, West Hills Community College, College of the Sequoias, Brandman/Chapman University, and Excelsior College, teaching hundreds of students since 1992. Michael is a frequent speaker in various venues and has authored a book and video, both called the 45 Minute Bible, which summarize the Bible’s contents and discuss some of the issues surrounding it in the 21st Century. In 2006, Michael was awarded Navy College Teacher of the year for NAS Lemoore, California. He is married and has four children and eight grandchildren.