Biblical Worldview Integration
What is Biblical Worldview Integration Course for Teachers?
Biblical Worldview Integration is teaching a lesson objective and teaching it from a Christian perspective. It is not a class devoid of God, nor is it solely about God. It is a melding of the two. It is understanding the objective or lesson from the Christian point-of-view. Being able to meld the two is quite a difficult process, but a process this course aims to help teachers be able to bring to their classroom.
What Will You Learn in This PD course?
As Christian teachers, we need to provide opportunities for our students to examine their own thinking to determine if their beliefs are in line with Biblical truth and reality. Biblical Worldview Integration is not attaching a Bible verse to every lesson; rather, it is learning to see all of creation and all knowledge under the Lordship of Jesus Christ. This course will introduce effective strategies to help your students develop habits of thinking that are based on the truth and grounded in God's Word.
ACSI Members
This course counts toward both ACSI's Christian Philosophy of Education (CPoE) requirement and educational studies hours for renewal of ACSI certification. Note: Required book must be acquired separately.