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ACSI Approved Courses Benefit Christian Educators

ACSI approved online courses for Christian educators at Fresno Pacific University

Christian educators earn certification from the Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI) because it demonstrates they have attained the high educational, biblical and philosophical standards set by the organization. 

Maintaining that certification requires professional development courses. That’s where Fresno Pacific University excels. The Christian university, which is a member of ACSI, offers teachers extensive choices for seeking ACSI-approved professional development through hundreds of online courses. 

Whether you are an educator in a Christian school wanting to learn more on a specific topic or an ACSI-certified teacher who needs courses to renew your certification, Fresno Pacific University is a valuable resource for outstanding continuing education.  

What is The Association of Christian Schools International? 

ACSI is the largest Protestant educational organization in the world. The nonprofit organization has headquarters in Colorado Springs, CO, and 25 offices in North America and around the world. About 24,000 schools from 100 countries are members of ACSI, with 3,300 schools in the United States alone. 

The nonprofit organization promotes excellence in Christian schools through a variety of ways, including support for enhanced professional and personal development for Christian educators. Part of that support includes offering an ACSI certification for teachers and administrators. 

ACSI Certification For Teachers 

ACSI offers certification to “strengthen Christian schools by credentialing educators who meet established professional and biblical requirements which promotes continued professional learning and increased effectiveness.” 

There are a variety of levels. Each involves reaching an established standard for education, biblical and philosophical requirements.  

Teachers can earn a temporary, two-year certificate as they work toward meeting those requirements. The five-year standard certificate is earned for those who meet those requirements. The five-year professional certificate is available for those who meet those requirements and have earned a graduate degree. 

Teachers can earn a lifetime certificate after 10 years at the professional level, submission of renewal requirements and at least 10 years of experience at a Christian school. ACSI also offers certificates in specific subject areas and for different grade levels. 

Earning Professional Development Credits Through Fresno Pacific University 

Christian teachers receive many benefits when they decide to pursue professional development credits through Fresco Pacific University. They include the following:

An accredited Christian university. Fresno Pacific is an accredited Christian university and a member of ACSI. Teachers seeking to earn or renew ACSI certification can know they are taking courses from a university steeped in a tradition of holding to Christian and biblical standards.  

ACSI-approved. Fresno Pacific University offers a long list of ACSI-approved courses. They offer professional development credit in different education areas such as early childhood education, elementary education, elementary teaching reading, art, computer science, music, physical education, and secondary English, math, science and social studies. 

Biblical courses. Fresno Pacific offers a variety of biblical courses that can help teachers meet the standards established by ACSI. These include An Overview of the Bible, Apologetics for the 21st Century, Sermon on the Mount, The Old Testament Tabernacle, and Unleashing God’s Word to the Romans. 

Experienced faculty. All Fresno Pacific professional development courses are taught by those with experience in the world of education and, in many cases, in Christian-related occupations. For example, Michael Bogart, Ph.D, who has 40 years of experience as a pastor, missionary and professor, teaches biblical classes. 

Flexibility. Fresno Pacific offers its professional development courses online, giving students the opportunity to schedule classwork around their busy schedules. They can earn their professional development credits without ever having to visit the Fresno Pacific campus. 

Convenience. Instructors are available to answer questions through the online system. They also can provide feedback on ideas. Teachers who earn professional development credits through Fresno Pacific get the opportunity to take a deep dive into a single topic that goes further than what they learn at a weekend conference or seminar. 

Popular Christian courses. Biblical Worldview Integration ranks as the most popular course for Christian educators. The 3-unit course counts toward both the Christian Philosophy of Education (CPoE) requirement and the biblical integration components for ACSI certification renewal. 

Those looking for ACSI-approved courses will find what they need at Fresno Pacific University, whether they are looking to renew ACSI certification or discover something on a new topic. In either case, Fresno Pacific offers what they need.