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Understanding Individuals with Special Needs

2 Credits
2 Credits

This course explores what individuals with special needs in our communities can teach us. Course participants will learn the Categories of Disability along with a Biblical perspective on disability. This course will utilize the text, Adam, God's Beloved, by Henri J.M. Nouwen. It tells the story of Adam, who could not speak nor move without assistance. Nouwen befriended Adam and the spiritual lessons Adam taught him. The course will explore participants' own perceptions/beliefs about individuals with special needs and disabilities, as well as provide insight to individuals with special needs, the Categories of Disability, basic disability etiquette, and person first language. Participants will research and learn about different disabling conditions and community resources available to assist individuals with special needs.

NOTE: Required book must be acquired separately.

This course is applicable towards the Exceptional Children Certificate.

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Dr. Sarah Johnson

I am very blessed with the opportunity to work at Fresno Pacific University. I want to share my knowledge and experiences in special education over the last 20+ years with students who want to teach and/or work with individuals with special needs. Having well-prepared and knowledgeable individuals is the key to training successful and independent students. I have worked in special education with all ages, birth to twenty-two. I currently serve as an Associate Professor and Program Director in Special Education at Fresno Pacific University. I direct the Extensive Support Needs (previously Moderate/Severe), Early Childhood Special Education, and Adapted Physical Education Added Authorization programs. I have authored and taught numerous courses in special education for undergraduate, graduate, and Master of Arts students at various universities.