Teaching Across the Curriculum in PE
This course is designed to support teachers in the vast ways in which to integrate content standards into physical activities. The Physical Education classroom provides many opportunities to reinforce core content and cross curricular activities and concepts. The key is to find creative ways to reinforce the core material while keeping true to the goals and standards related to developing lifelong movers.
Teachers will be supported in how to embed core concepts into curriculum in order to enhance student learning across disciplines, while creating opportunities for integration to improve student knowledge and inquiry skills. Best practices to deliberately integrate cross-curricular standards and skills within the classroom in a meaningful way will also be explored. Objectives for each lesson are modeled around standards-based learning, as identified by the Society of Health and Physical Educators (SHAPE). Evidence of learning is tied directly to stated objectives and is assessed by completed assignments.
NOTE: Required book must be acquired separately.
This course is applicable towards the Physical Education Teaching Certificate.