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Teaching Lacrosse

2 Credits
2 Credits

Lacrosse is a very old sport, originating with indigenous people of North America as early as 1100 AD. Lacrosse has recently been increasing in popularity at scholastic, collegiate and club levels and is expected to be included in the 2028 Olympic Games. The game of lacrosse incorporates fitness, psychological skills, techniques, and tactics. The course will provide information and structure required to build quality lacrosse units that encourage participation in regular physical activity for lifelong fitness. Methods and techniques for teaching lacrosse will meet specific national standards for physical education and may be applied to meet your state requirements for endorsement and recertification for physical education.

NOTE: Required book must be acquired separately.

This course is applicable towards the Physical Education Teaching Certificate.

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Roland Shearer

Continuing education is absolutely essential no matter the occupation. To work with educators I consider to be the ultimate opportunity.