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Early Number Concepts (prek - 1)

3 Credits
3 Credits

This course is a standards-based methods course that offers Pre-School and Primary grade teachers a guide for designing a learning experience for their students which focuses on counting, comparing, and patterns. Students choose from over 100 activities that address students individually, in small learning groups, or with whole class experiences. The assignments may be completed with or without classroom student participation. Concrete, pictorial, and abstract experiences in early number concepts are designed to help students construct an understanding of numbers (number sense). Course assignments ask participants to identify specific Common Core State Standards addressed in their curriculum. The primary resources used in this course for standards are a combination of the Common Core State Standards in Mathematics and the NCTM (National Council of Teachers of Mathematics) Principles and Standards of Mathematics. Built into the course requirements are several contacts between the course instructor and the student.

NOTE: Required book must be acquired separately.

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Dr. Sandra Frisby

The courses I teach will provide you with multiple ideas and resources to guide the students you teach to foster their desire to learn, and to provide them with the necessary tools so that they may develop to their full potential. As you know, all children are unique, with differing interests, learning styles, skills and abilities, therefore, we must meet their needs to challenge them to be critical thinkers. As you complete this class I am here to support you, guide you, and share my many years of experiences teaching children and adult learners! My favorite teaching quote: “Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” ~Ben Franklin