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Women in Mathematics and Science

3 Credits
3 Credits

Discover the remarkable achievements of women in math and science and be inspired by their resilience in the face of obstacles and prejudice. This course, designed for teachers of grades 3 through 12, explores the reasons behind the ongoing underrepresentation of women in STEM fields and provides educators with compelling stories of trailblazing women who have paved the way for future generations.

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Candi Reimer

As a beginning mathematics teacher at an urban high school, I quickly realized that drawing on student interests and experiences was essential to engaged learning. This insight has guided my work in education as a K-12 instructional coach, a developer of mathematics curriculum, and an instructor of professional development. My courses aim to create space for teachers to gather around relevant ideas and practical experiences as they deepen their knowledge and professional practice. Course topics reflect the concerns and curiosities of practicing teachers, equipping them to directly apply learning to classroom teaching. I value the diverse perspectives that Fresno Pacific University students bring to the learning community, and I hope that participants in my courses will be as inspired as I have been by the ideas and dialogue generated here.