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Geography Relating to Science and Math

3 Credits
3 Credits
Explore geography skills of map reading, globe study, and land formations such as rivers, mountains, lakes, and oceans. Learn the effect geography has on the development of civilization. Geography studies the relationship between the earth and its people. Discover what Geographers are interested in, where people, plants, and animals live and where rivers, lakes, mountains, cities, and other geographic features are found. Geography depends greatly upon other fields of knowledge for basic information and takes materials from chemistry, geology, mathematics, physics, astronomy, anthropology and biology and relates it to the study of people and their environments.

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Sam Jessup

Education is a crucial part of helping others develop lifelong, critical thinking and learning skills. Students, no matter their age, are best served by becoming self-directed learners with their natural curiosities engaged. In my roles as an instructor, I have placed myself in the role as an encouraging lynchpin for positive learning and exploration. I have found the most success using the simple method of engaging those I am teaching with material they are eager to learn, showing them how it can be directly applicable and useful. Following the philosophy of actively demonstrating, then having the student demonstrate understanding. It is deeply satisfying, and I have been applying these principles for the last 18 years.