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Build Character and Citizenship: Skills and Methods

3 Credits
3 Credits

This engaging and informative course on character education offers a close look at Common Core State Standards, National Standards, classroom lessons, and best practices. A classroom-based unit of study focuses on important elements of character education, including community service, parent involvement, citizenship, civics, conflict resolution, values, and more. A variety of active online assignments will inspire you and your students! Writing across the curriculum, critical thinking skills, problem-solving, and engaging lessons provide an integrated approach to teaching. Enrolled students will select one set of incredible course materials suited for their grade level among the following grade spans: K-2, 3-5, 6-8, or 9-12.

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Dr. Sandra Frisby

The courses I teach will provide you with multiple ideas and resources to guide the students you teach to foster their desire to learn, and to provide them with the necessary tools so that they may develop to their full potential. As you know, all children are unique, with differing interests, learning styles, skills and abilities, therefore, we must meet their needs to challenge them to be critical thinkers. As you complete this class I am here to support you, guide you, and share my many years of experiences teaching children and adult learners! My favorite teaching quote: “Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” ~Ben Franklin