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Portfolios in the Classroom

3 Credits
3 Credits
Instructor: Dr. Bill Cockerham
Currently Unavailable

Learn the terminology and methodology associated with the construction and use of portfolios in the classroom. Portfolios can serve as a tool to evaluate coursework quality, assess student progress and academic achievement. Assignments explore the use of portfolios for instruction, assessment, motivation, reflection, accountability, communication, collaboration and research. Portfolios are ideal for parent-teacher conferences and displaying curriculum content to administrators. The portfolio process is demonstrated and practiced by readings, workbook exercises, exam and the creation of your own course portfolio. Portfolios can enhance professional development and serve to document use of national and state curriculum standards.

NOTE: Required book must be purchased separately.

This course is applicable towards the Curriculum Design and Assessment Certificate.

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Dr. Bill Cockerham

Learning is fun and since I am a big proponent of lifelong learning, the fun never ends. I have over 50-years of learning and teaching fun. Fresno Pacific’s Continuing Education has given me the opportunity to continue to combine my love for both teaching and learning. I set up courses to be project-based, allowing students flexibility in creating the projects to meet their own unique interests and needs. I continue to learn from each student’s creative projects. The goal for course projects is to not only gain content knowledge in a fun and practical way but to also provide material immediately usable in current or future classroom settings. I welcome you to join me in the fun.