Behavior Management in ECE Classrooms
Develop an understanding of the 'why' behind behavior problems in the early childhood classroom. Once you've understood the why, learn how to best apply practical behavior management strategies and solutions in the classroom. Discover supportive social emotional curriculum and resources intended to support behavior prevention and management. Apply practical strategies you've learned in the course to real or simulated problem behavior scenarios. Designed to support PK, TK & K teachers in decreasing problem behaviors in the classroom.
NOTE: Required book must be acquired separately.
This course is applicable towards the Early Childhood Education Certificate.
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Vanessa Bailey
I have been in the field of early childhood education for over 20 years. I started as a live-in nanny on Long Island, near New York City and have worked in private preschools, state preschools, Head Start preschools, special education classrooms, as a behavior consultant, private contractor, and reflective practice mentor/coach. I have five children of my own who have given me almost 15 years of personal experience so far, and I was a foster parent for over a decade, which gave me lots of personal practice as well. I am passionate about helping future early childhood educators fulfill their dreams and go into the classroom with confidence. My hope is that my students become as passionate and devoted to the field as I am.