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Guidance in Social / Emotional Behavior

3 Credits
3 Credits

Explore the current research on the importance of social emotional learning (SEL) and development in young children. Design classroom application activities to support the social and emotional development of the young learner. Implement techniques to help your students develop positive social skills. You will learn the importance of children's cooperative work and play in developing a sense of self as a valued and responsible member of the group when forming and maintaining satisfying relationships with others. Designed for grade levels PK-TK-K.

This course is applicable towards the Early Childhood Education Certificate and Social Emotional Learning Certificate.

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Dianne Young

Giving young children a good foundation and start in life is my passion. The teachers knowledge and skills have a direct effect on the success of the children in my care. When working with adults in the early childhood field I am blessed to be able to share my knowledge and experiences with young children. It is so gratifying to see a student develop self-esteem and self confidence and the feeling that they can do more than they think. One of my favorite sayings is: My teacher thought I could do it so I did. This is important for adult students as well as young children.