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Advanced Nutrition for Sports

3 Credits
3 Credits
The best conditioning programs and technical instruction are beneficial only if the body's engine is properly fueled and ready to operate at peak efficiency. Far beyond the food pyramid, this course presents advanced nutritional concepts, including:a) timing of meals, fluid and training; b) digesting optimal ratios and quantities of energy nutrients, vitamins, and minerals; c) consuming fluids and electrolytes to avoid dehydration and hyper-hydration; d) identifying and maintaining a body composition capable of maximal power output with minimal excess weight for specific sports; and e) understanding the effects of travel, high altitude, and age on nutritional needs and performance. Course assignments encourage participants to integrate specific national standards for physical education. Objectives for each lesson are modeled around standards-based learning as identified by the SHAPE America. Evidence of learning is tied directly to stated objectives and is assessed via analysis and application papers, nutrition programs, reflective evaluations and peer learning. The course is designed for teachers and coaches of 7th through 14th grade students.

NOTE: Required textbook must be acquired separately.

This course is applicable towards the Strength and Conditioning Certificate.

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Dr. Andrew Herrick

I am currently Director of Academic Development and a faculty member at Fresno Pacific University. I am responsible for all course offerings and marketing through the Office of Continuing Education, which includes identifying and developing new programs, courses, and instructors who are passionate about Christian higher education. I actively teach graduate, undergraduate, and professional development online courses for the university.