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Online @ONE Courses for California Community College Faculty

FPUCE: ​Online @ONE Courses for California Community College Faculty

Fresno Pacific University has entered a partnership with the Online Network of Educators to create @ONE courses that provide California community college faculty, staff, and administrators the chance to earn continuing education credits.  

Called @ONE courses, these online classes are designed to educate teachers on the effective use of technology and digital tools in California community colleges. Fresno Pacific University offers a variety of @ONE courses that college professors can take to earn graduate-level credit. 

Who Is @ONE? 

The @ONE service is provided by the California Virtual Campus - Online Education Initiative (CVC - OEI). The initiative is a collaborative effort that focuses on providing training and education to California community college faculty, staff, and administration. 

The goal is to educate community college professors in professional development courses that focus on student-focused use of digital tools and platforms. 

The @ONE program goals start with improving the retention and success rates of online students. Other goals include improving the online learning experience for all students and decreasing the cost of education by supporting training and support for colleges on the best use of CVC-OEI-purchased digital tools and platforms. 

The organization also seeks to ensure “all CCC faculty and staff possess the digital literacy skills to inspire and prepare students for success in the digital age.”  

Partnership with Fresno Pacific University 

Fresno Pacific University has partnered with the @ONE program to offers teachers convenient, online continuing education courses. Graduate-level CE credits are earned if a California community college professor takes a facilitated course through FPU. No credits are earned if they enroll in Fresno Pacific University self-paced courses. 

The online courses allow professors a chance to earn CE credits even if they have limited time. Classwork can be scheduled around their busy schedule. The classes are taught by experts who have experience in the classroom and understand the need to connect theory to practical classroom applications. 

Steps to Enroll in Fresno Pacific University CE Courses 

To sign up for a Fresno Pacific University @ONE course, professors should first peruse the many different @ONE courses offered through the school.  The credits earned through the Fresno Pacific Courses are post-baccalaureate, professional development units that are not part of a degree program. 

It’s important to seek approval from appropriate college officials in your district before applying to enter the course. Once you have enrolled in the course through @ONE, you must also enroll for Fresno Pacific University credit before the course starts. You will not be able to apply for credit after the course is completed. 

The @ONE courses offered through Fresno Pacific University include: 

  • 10-10-10: Communication That Matters 
  • Assessment in Digital Learning 
  • Creating Accessible Course Content 
  • Designing Dynamic Discussions 
  • Digital Citizenship 
  • Dynamic Online Teaching 
  • Equity & Culturally Responsive Teaching 
  • Humanizing Online Teaching & Learning 
  • Introduction to Course Design 
  • Introduction to Teaching with Canvas 

For California community college professors, the partnership between Fresno Pacific University and @ONE offers a chance to conveniently earn CE credits they need to excel in their jobs while learning the best practices for using digital tools in the classroom.