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Jordan Samsonas

Subject Expertise: US History, Technology, Instructional Design
Education: MA in History from John Carroll University, Post Baccalaureate in Education from John Carroll University; BA in History from John Carroll University
Hometown: Chagrin Falls, OH
Home Church: Parkside Church, Bainbridge Township, OH

I've been a middle school social studies teacher for 14 years.  I can't imagine doing any other job.  I love teaching students, and consider myself fortunate to be working in a career that I'm so passionate about.  I'm also passionate about helping my fellow teachers do what they love to do better.  Two years ago, my school asked me to become the Technology Integrator for classroom instruction (in addition to maintaining my full teaching responsibilities).  I jumped at the opportunity.  Even though it is often difficult doing both roles well, I'm glad to be in the classroom full time while also acting as a resource for my colleagues.  My online courses are the result of my desire to help as many teachers as I can in any way possible.

Professional Experience: 14 years teaching, 2 years as Technology Integrator for classroom instruction.

Personal Experience: In addition to being a teacher and technology integrator, I'm also a cross country and track coach.  I enjoy running and hiking.

Scholarly Interests: Instructional Design, Technology, History

Honors and Awards: Nominated for teacher of the year 3 times

Recommended Reading: Prodigal God by Tim Keller

Favorite Bible Verse: Lamentations 3:21-23 ~ "But this I call to mind, and therefore, I have hope: the steadfast love of the Lord never ceases.  His mercies never come to an end - they are new every morning. Great is Your faithfulness!."

Favorite Music: Christian

Favorite Activities: Teaching, Running, Reading

Family Info: My wife, Laurel, and I have three kids: Alex (18), Caleb (9) and Leah (7)

What Matters: God, family, friends, and country.  In that order.

Pet Peeves: When students don't read directions.

What I Like About FPU: FPU provides people from all over the US with quality educational opportunities.  I'm glad to be part of a community that can reach so many and help them achieve their goals.