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Dr. Catherine Posey

Subject Expertise: Children's Literature, Young Adult Literature, The Holocaust, Spirituality in Literature
Education: PhD in Curriculum & Instruction from The Pennsylvania State University; MA in Holocaust & Genocide Studies from Gratz College; MA in Children's Literature from Roehampton University; BA in English and French from CSU Chico

Traveling the world through books is my area of expertise! With an academic background in Children's and Young Adult Literature, I’m passionate about equipping teachers to engage their students in meaningful ways with the literature they read and discuss. I hope to educate teachers to understand how literature can equip their students to connect more strongly with those around them and to strengthen their empathy and compassion for others who are different from them. Stories about historical events, when used alongside primary documents, can deliver powerful and transformative educational experiences.

Professional Experience: College Teaching, Middle School Teaching and Elementary School Librarian Experience

Scholarly Interests: Spirituality in Children's & Young Adult Literature, Arts-Based Education, Holocaust Education, Spirituality in Video Games

Publications: Several articles in The Journal of Children's Literature Studies and International Journal of Children's Spirituality and chapters in edited books on Children's Spirituality

Recommended Reading: The Book Whisperer, Why You Should Read Children's Books, Even Though You Are So Old and Wise, The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane

Favorite Music: Jazz, Classical, Pop, Rock, Oldies, Folk

Favorite Activities: Reading, Writing, Traveling, Hiking, Baking, Miniatures

What Matters: Connecting authentically with God and people and helping others to pursue their creative purpose. 

Pet Peeves: Unfinished Ice Cream

What I Like About FPU: The passion and creativity of its faculty and desire to make a difference in the lives of people.