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Carol Anne McGuire

Subject Expertise: Curriculum and Instruction; CliftonStrengths
Education: Biblical Studies, Child Development, Children's Ministry, Teaching (Multiple Subjects) from Hope International University, Chapman College, and California State University Fullerton and Los Angeles
Hometown: Anaheim, CA
Home Church: Son Light Christian Center, Orange, CA

I started my teaching career in 1990, teaching blind and visually impaired students. During that time, I taught them to film their own movies. They were amazing at this impossible task! I learned a lot about taking time to learn with my students. I am a pastor's kid, and a pastor's wife. We have 2 grown girls who are both newly married. Being a Certified CliftonStrengths Coach has been a passion of mine for many years. My most favorite clients are influencers of children: teachers, parents, and churches. I've written two Strengths-based books and have another in the works.

Professional Experience: Certified Gallup Strengths Coach, K-6 Teacher, Teacher of the Blind and Visually Impaired, Professional Development Specialist, Library Media Specialist 

Personal Experience: Worship leader

Scholarly Interests: Deep dive Bible studies, CliftonStrengths as they relate to Biblical characters

Honors and Awards: Apple Distinguished Educator, Discovery Educator, Online Teacher of the Year, ISTE Teacher of the Year, CUE Teacher of the Year, American Film Institute Educator, Disney Teacher Award, Google Certified Innovator

Publications: Draw On Your Strengths (2015); Heroes of the Faith (2017)

Recommended Reading: I love books, all kinds. I read and listen to as many as I can.

Favorite Bible Verse: 2 Timothy 2:15 ~ "Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth."

Favorite Music: Contemporary Christian

Favorite Activities: Working with our Therapy Dog, Mojo, at school, being with family and friends, church activities, anything creative, sketchnoting on my iPad

Family Info: Husband, 2 grown girls and their spouses

What Matters: Faith, what you do with Jesus

What I Like About FPU: The flexibility of teaching and learning online. Yes, I'm also a student at FPU!