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CPM Educational Program

CPM Educational Program Professional Learning

is collaborating with Fresno Pacific University


CPM’s ( professional learning program strives to build the capacity of all teachers to have confidence in the mathematical content, plan lessons purposefully, assess understanding and give effective feedback to students, and work in the role of the more knowledgeable person in the classroom through engagement in CPM Professional Learning. CPM’s desire is to provide more math for more people.

CPM Educational Program is a California 501(c)(3) educational nonprofit corporation dedicated to improving grades 6-12 mathematics instruction. CPM began in 1989 when 30 math teachers came together, funded through an Eisenhower grant, to change the way Algebra I was taught. Using the NCTM standards, which were in draft form at the time, and research on how students learn, these teachers changed the design of algebra classrooms.

Over 30 years later, CPM’s CCSS-aligned course offerings include middle school through high school with precalculus, statistics, calculus, and computer science. CPM has both traditional and integrated high school pathways. The strength of all CPM books is the emphasis on problem-solving, communication, collaboration, and sense-making. With the Standards for Mathematical Practice embedded into each lesson, students are able to understand the math and see the connections.

To enroll in any of the courses listed below, please visit the CPM professional learning event catalog first at

ATTENTION:  If you have not registered with CPM yet, DO NOT register with FPU.

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