Central Valley Justice Coalition
Understanding Human Trafficking
Based on ten years of experience combating sex and labor trafficking in the Central Valley, this course will expose participants to the current realities of trafficking in California and beyond. Participants will understand the definition of human trafficking and how it differs from other forms of exploitation, discover the factors which create vulnerabilities that lead to victimization, and explore the means of manipulation that traffickers employ. With a clearer understanding of the issue, participants will be better equipped to recognize trafficking in their schools and communities, to identify risk factors, and to offer intervention. The knowledge gained in this class will help impact the language and the conversation around trafficking which our current culture promotes. Computer with internet access and ability to connect to Moodle and online components is required.
This is a FULLY ONLINE course and can be started at any time. NOTE: This course does not provide direct instructor contact; assignments are included in the course to help students process the information learned and will not be evaluated by the instructor.
This is a FULLY ONLINE course and can be started at any time. NOTE: This course does not provide direct instructor contact; assignments are included in the course to help students process the information learned and will not be evaluated by the instructor.