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Bridging to the MMSN & ESN Credentials

3 Credits
3 Credits

This course is designed as a 'bridge' option for current Mild to Moderate Education Specialists or Moderate to Severe Education Specialists to demonstrate competence on Teacher Performance Expectations embedded in the new Education Specialist Credentials that were launched Summer/Fall 2022. The Office of Administrative Law (OAL) approved the package and several updates to the Education Specialist Credential went into effect on July 1, 2022.

The new bridge authorizations allow individual credential holders to earn the full breadth of the new authorizations while holding previously issued Education Specialist authorizations. The Bridge Authorization is an added authorization that is an option for special education credential holders whose credential was issued prior to the new standards and is intended to result in these credential holders having authorizations that are equivalent in scope to the new Mild to Moderate Support Needs (authorization code MMSN) and Extensive Support Needs (authorization code ESN) authorizations.

This course is designed to meet the Mild to Moderate Support Needs Teacher Performance Expectations 2.2, 2.3, 2.11, 3.3, 4.5, 5.2, and 6.6. This course is designed to meet the Extensive Support Needs Teacher Performance Expectations 2.6, 2.7, 2.14, 3.5, 4.6, 5.3, and 6.7.

NOTE: Educators who hold a credential authorizing special education instruction that was issued under older standards and does not include the autism preparation must also hold the added authorization in autism spectrum disorders to be considered equivalent. This course does not meet the requirements for the added authorization in autism spectrum disorders.

This course is applicable towards the Exceptional Children Certificate.

Dr. Sarah Johnson

I am very blessed with the opportunity to work at Fresno Pacific University. I want to share my knowledge and experiences in special education over the last 20+ years with students who want to teach and/or work with individuals with special needs. Having well-prepared and knowledgeable individuals is the key to training successful and independent students. I have worked in special education with all ages, birth to twenty-two. I currently serve as an Associate Professor and Program Director in Special Education at Fresno Pacific University. I direct the Extensive Support Needs (previously Moderate/Severe), Early Childhood Special Education, and Adapted Physical Education Added Authorization programs. I have authored and taught numerous courses in special education for undergraduate, graduate, and Master of Arts students at various universities.