Group Counseling in Schools
This course is designed to strengthen the student's ability to develop and provide group counseling in schools for grades K-12. The course is intended for counselors, school psychologists, and educators interested in helping children and youth develop the relationships, skills, attitudes, and behaviors needed for success in school and in life. Concrete step-by-step plans for organizing and leading groups on a wide variety of topics and for all grade levels is provided. The course includes both theoretical and practical information about group counseling and reinforces the goals of Social Emotional Learning as a companion to group counseling in Schools. Participants will create and provide a setting in which group counseling occurs in their own school context, as well as evaluate the process and outcome of the counseling project.
NOTE: Required book must be acquired separately.
NOTE: Required book must be acquired separately.
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Connie Enns-Rempel
Educators are among the most important and influential members of our society. Along with families and religious communities, our teachers, administrators, coaches and counselors have a critical impact on the shaping of our children and youth. In my years as a school counselor, I have been deeply impressed that as teachers work to meet the academic and educational needs of their students, they also feel increasing demands to meet students’ social, cultural, emotional and behavioral needs as well. My courses are designed to assist educators in addressing these challenging concerns by providing both helpful and relevant theoretical information as well as very practical, hands-on resources.