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Social Emotional Skills for Teachers That Help Them Better Engage Students

Social emotional skills for teachers foster a holistic approach to education and bring benefits to students and teachers that last a lifetime.

How SEL Can Help Teachers Prevent Teen Bullying

Social emotional learning is critical for preventing teen bullying. Teachers can develop their SEL skills at Fresno Pacific University.

Whole Student Education for Social Emotional Learning

Whole student education offers a different educational philosophy that focuses on how a school’s culture and curriculum address a student’s academic, social, emotional, and physical needs.

Positive Learning Experiences Lead to Transfer-Level Learning

Creating positive student experiences leads to transfer-level learning, boosting academic and real-life success. Learn student engagement skills at FPU.

History of Social Emotional Learning

The history of social emotional learning dates back to ancient Greece and informs modern educational research. Study SEL online at FPU.

Incorporating Global Diversity and Inclusion in the Classroom

Global diversity and inclusion are the bedrock for an open, safe, multicultural classroom. Learn best practices online at Touro University Worldwide.

How to Incorporate SEL in the Classroom

Social emotional learning (SEL) teaches children self-awareness, emotional intelligence and empathy. These skills serve them throughout their lives.

4 Ways to Teach Empathy to Kids

Teaching empathy in the classroom allows students to develop the emotional and cognitive skills they need throughout life. Learn empathy education at FPU.

Process Drama and How to Teach Empathy in the Classroom

Process drama is a powerful tool for teaching students empathy. Learn how with FPU's Teaching Empathy: The Human Experience and Process Drama course.

Learn to Implement Social Emotional Learning Activities into the Classroom

Social emotional learning activities help improve the lives of students: academically, emotionally and socially. Earn an online SEL certificate at FPU.

Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) and Physical Education

SEL and physical education are important components of healthy social and emotional development in young people. Study online at Fresno Pacific University.

Whole Child Approach to Teaching

With the whole child approach to teaching children learn to become their best selves. Learn whole child teaching online at Fresno Pacific University.

What Is Social And Emotional Learning?

Social emotional learning is critical to student success in the classroom and throughout life. FPU courses prepare teachers to apply SEL concepts.

The Role of Social and Emotional Learning in the Classroom

Social and emotional development is important for a child's education. Teachers learn SEL instruction online at FPU

How to Gain Expertise in Classroom Restorative Discipline

Fresno Pacific University can help you become an expert in restorative discipline strategies for classroom management through our online certificate program.

What is Classroom Restorative Discipline?

Fresno Pacific University offers continuing education course on restorative discipline for teachers who are looking for new classroom management strategies.

The Importance of Creating Classroom Peer Mediators

Classroom peer mediators are students who help solve conflicts in the classroom. Find out more with professional development courses from FPU.

Learn Restorative Strategies for the Classroom

Restorative Strategies help teachers create a positive classroom environment.